Grade 4

Grade 5

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all our families for the 2019 academic year. It has been a great start to the school year, with students excited to be back amongst their peers, ready to learn.

During English this Term we will be focusing on narratives as our text type during writing. The Year 5s have already begun writing a few narratives with various themes such as fairy tales, adventure, horror, humour and much more. It is suggested that they practice to do so at home as well to further reinforce their writing skills. Further, it is important that parents encourage reading at home and regular use of resources such as Reading Eggs to assist their child’s comprehension skills as this is crucial to their overall learning.

For Integrated Studies our focus will be on Australian History. In particular, we will be learning about the First Australians, British Penal Colonies and the impacts of colonisation, and significant events in our history such as the Gold Rush and Eureka Stockade and how they have shaped Australia into the nation it is today. Again, to reinforce their learning it is encouraged that students research these topics at home as well. Further, they have a project that is due 18th of March which they will present to the class.

Wishing you all the best this year!

Funda Avan
5A Homeroom teacher